The Joker's Wild, Host: Jack Barry (73 CBS eps., 118 syndicated eps.)

1972-1975 CBS version:

First game: Susan vs. Ed. Premiere of the series (FINALLY!) (1972/GSN/217)

First game: Ed vs. Mary (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Mary vs. Tex. The car is now on the wheels in the bonus round and is won! Tex puts on quite a celebration (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Tex at the bonus round (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Barbara vs. Bob (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Joan vs. Nelson (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Winfield at the bonus round (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Nancy at the bonus round (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Laurel vs. Steven (1972/GSN/355)

First game: Steven vs. Ruth (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Ernest at the bonus round. First episode with slightly different set and theme. New bonus round with Jokers and Devils (1972/GSN/355)

First game: Ernest vs. Kira. (1972/GSN/196)

First game: Bill facing the devil (1972/GSN/194)

First game: Nancy vs. Bob (1972/GSN/194)

First game: Nancy vs. Garr. Intro missing (1972/GSN/194)

First game: Garr vs. Lynne (1972/GSN/194)

First game: Lynne facing the devil (1972/GSN/194)

First game: John vs. Katherine (1972/GSN/194)

First game: Katherine vs. Sophie. Katherine wins the first ever Joker's Jackpot at $13,800 (1972/GSN/194)

First game: Wendy vs. Richard (1972/GSN/194)

First game: Christina facing the devil (1973/GSN/204)

First game: Bill facing the devil. $3,550 Joker's Jackpot win! (1973/GSN/204)

First game: Bill vs. Mary (1973/GSN/207)

First game: Susan vs. Bob. 3 Joker's win (1973/GSN/236)

First game: Bob vs. Mary. Bob wins $5,250 Joker's Jackpot! (1973/GSN/236)

First game: Joel vs. Linda. 3 Joker win (1973/GSN/236)

First game: Samantha vs. Morris. Ray Rowan announcing (1973/GSN/236)

First game: Barbara vs. Father Richard. Funny game! Richard misses two chances to win on three Joker's and Jack makes a funny faux paux (1973/GSN/236)

First game: Susan vs. Roy. Susan wins $3,000 Joker's Jackpot (1973/GSN/236)

First game: George vs. Renee. Contestant in second game is a high school student! (1973/GSN/236)

First game: Kelly vs. Wayne. Kelly is the high school student from previous day (1973/GSN/236)

Firstr game: Fred vs. Elyse. Fred wins $9,200 Joker's Jackpot! (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Nancy vs. Michael (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Michael vs. Wendy. Michael wins $2,500 Joker's Jackpot (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Stu vs. Lois. Stu narrowly misses a Joker's Jackpot win! Heartbreaker! (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Terry facing the devil. Three Joker's win and Jack cracks up while explaining categories (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Neil deciding to quit or go on. Jack makes a funny comment about famous singers picture being Tom Jones (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Franz vs. Cleo. Johnny Jacobs hesitates a bit during intro (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Madeline vs. John (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Debbie deciding to quit or go on. She decides to go on and ends up taking home the $2500 Joker's Jackpot! (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Margie vs. Albert (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Uda vs. Steve. Jack looking a bit different here? Jack apologizes for a question used on a previous show (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Roshelle vs. John (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Suzanne facing the devil (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Francis facing the devil (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Katherine vs. Merwyn (1973/GSN/237)

First game: Ivan facing the devil. Ivan takes home the Joker's Jackpot! (1973/GSN/207)

First game: Ivan vs. Natalie (1973/GSN/209)

First game: Irene vs. Paul. Joker's Jackpot win! (1973/GSN/209)

First game: Paul vs. Martha (1973/GSN/209)

First game: Martha vs. Steve. Martha wins Joker's Jackpot! (1973/GSN/211)

First game: Chris vs. Gail (1973/GSN/211)

First game: Wendy facing the devil (1973/GSN/205)

First game: Mary facing the devil (1973/GSN/210)

First game: Chris vs. Derry Lynn (1973/GSN/210)

First game: Mike vs. Nava (1973/GSN/213)

First game: Carol facing the devil (1973/GSN/215)

First game: Barry vs. Patricia (1973/GSN/215)

First game: Claudia vs. Steve (1973/GSN/215)

First game: Jonathan vs. Schonelle (1973/GSN/222)

First game: Shondelle vs. Mark. Unbelievable win! (1973/GSN/219)

First game: Carroll facing the devil (1973/GSN/220)

First game: Ed vs. Karen. Ed wins $2,500 Joker's Jackpot (1973/GSN/227)

First game: Elaine vs. Steve (1973/GSN/231)

First game: Barbara vs. Barry. $11,350 Joker's Jackpot win! (1973/GSN/231)

First game: Barbara vs. Joel (1973/GSN/480)

First game: Bob deciding whether to go or stay (1973/GSN/480)

First game: Ken vs. Pattie. $3,050 Joker's Jackpot win (1973/GSN/480)

First game: Bob vs. Christina. Very NEAR Joker's Jackpot win (1973/GSN/375)

First game: Christina vs. Jerry. VERY exciting game! $6,200 Joker's Jackpot win! (1973/GSN/375)

First game: Ken vs. Katherine. Funny second game (1973/GSN/232)

First game: Ken facing the devil. Ken wins his second Joker's Jackpot, $2,500 (1973/GSN/232)

First Game: Fred facing the devil. Finale of CBS series. Excellent quality! (1975/SM/106)

Syndicated version:

First Game: Anne vs. Glenn. Syndicated premiere (1977/GSN/61)

First Game: Carl vs. Wendy (1977/GSN/32)

First game: Mike facing the devil. Bad tracking (1977/GSN/70)

First game: Anne vs. Gilldre (1977/GSN/70)

First game: Anne vs. Neal (1977/GSN/70)

From '77 Tourney of Champs. First Game: Carol vs. Bob. Clips from CBS run are shown! (1977/GSN/138)

First Game: Frank vs. Tom from 1977 Tourny of champs. Frank wins $50,000!!!! (1977/GSN/61)

First game: Sandy vs. Paul. Two Three Joker wins and back to back natural triples. Johnny Gilbert subbing for Jay Stewart (1978/GSN/355)

First game: Tony facing the Devil. Tony was later a contestant on Whew! (1978/GSN/355)

First game: Dauby facing the Devil (1978/GSN/356)

First game: Jerry vs. Jessie (1978/GSN/356)

Firt game: Phil vs. Mary (1978/GSN/355)

First game: Phil vs. Brenda. Car win! (1978/GSN/355)

First game: Mark vs. June (1978/GSN/70)

First game: Mark facing the Devil. Mark Gluckman is up to $18,800 on this episode (1978/GSN/355)

First game: Mark ($29,100) facing the Devil (1978/GSN/355)

First game: Susan vs. Dwight. Car win! (1978/GSN/354)

First game: Judy vs. George (1978/GSN/354)

First game: Dick facing the Devil (1978/GSN/355)

First game: Dick vs. Evelyn. Car win! (1978/GSN/356)

First game: Ken vs. Marie (1978/GSN/192)

First game: Ken vs. Janet (1978/GSN/199)

First game: Ken vs. Charlene. Over excited contestant. Opening theme played during closing (???) (1978/GSN/468)

First game: Ken vs. Jenay. Two bonus wins (1978/GSN/237)

First game: Diane vs. George. Diane reads the categories (1978/GSN/238)

First game: Michael vs. Heidi. Heidi answers four straight in Fast Forward Spelling, gets a natural triple, and three Joker's, but can't buy a break at the Face the Devil round! (1978/GSN/238)

First game: Heidi vs. John. 2 3 Joker's wins, one noticable edit, and bad Devil luck continues (1978/GSN/238)

First game: Ben facing the Devil. Devil is finally beaten! (Twice!) (1978/GSN/238)

First game: Ted facing the Devil. Natural triple spun, 2 bonus round spuns (1978/GSN/234)

First game: Hal facing the Devil. Hal "Lucky Suit" Shear beats the Devil twice, and Jack's a bit angry at the audience (1978/GSN/234)

First game: Hal facing the Devil. Hal beat Devil twice and wins a car (1978/GSN/234)

First game: Hal vs. Barbara. Hal spins a natural triple and beat Devil for fifth straight time. (1978/GSN/234)

First game: Hal vs. Ilene. Hal wins his 9th game! (1978/GSN/234)

First game: Dave vs. Larry (1978/GSN/203)

First game: Peter vs. Mary (1978/GSN/205)

First game: Peter vs. Lisa. Natural Triple bonus win (1978/GSN/356)

First game: Peter vs. Janie (1978/GSN/211)

First game: Janie facing the devil (1978/GSN/215)

First game: Sandy facing the devil (1978/GSN/70)

First game: Bob vs. Lynn. Great ep.! (1978/GSN/101)

First game: Chuck vs. Joan (1978/GSN/70)

First game: Tom vs. Ester (1978/GSN/70)

First game: Cici vs. Dennis (1978/GSN/70)

First Game: Doris facing the devil (1978/GSN/82)

$100,000 Tournament of Champions

First game: Mike vs. John. First day (1978/GSN/480)

First game: Anne vs. Mark. Preliminaries (1978/GSN/220)

First game: John vs. Anne. Quarter-finals (1978/GSN/479)

End of championship

First Game: Claudia vs. Rich. 3 straight 3 Joker wins and Devil beaten both times (1979/GSN/36)

First Game: Mike facing the Devil. Mike keeps the winning going from the last ep. (1979/GSN/36)

First Game: Laurie facing the Devil (1979/GSN/36)

First game: Richard facing the Devil (1979/GSN/148)

Episodes with Eileen Jason:

First game: Eileen ($16,000) vs. Barry. Eileen gets a miracle spin! Two Devil wins (1979/GSN/359)

First game: Eileen ($29,775) vs. Ray. Eileen wins her 10th game, her second car, and becomes the all-time money winner ($39,500) in unbelievable fashion! (1979/GSN/359)

First game: Eileen ($39,500) vs. Pat. Eileen passes the $40,000 mark (1979/GSN/359)

First game: Eileen ($44,550) vs. Nate. Eileen wins her record 14th game! (1979/GSN/359)

$250,000 Tournament of Champions:

Day 1. First game: Jerry vs. Eileen (1979/GSN/151)

Day 2. First game: Peter vs. Hal (1979/GSN/151)

Day 3. First game: Jennifer vs. Kathleen (1979/GSN/151)

Day 4. First game: Eileen vs. Kathleen (1979/GSN/151)

Day 5. First game: Eileen vs. Hal (1979/GSN/151)

Day 6. First game: Eileen vs. Frank. The champ is crowned here! (1979/GSN/151)

First game: Cory facing the Devil (1980/GSN/148)

$1,000,000 Tournament of Champions:

Preliminary. First game: Tom vs. Gerry (1980/GSN/200)

Preliminary. First game: Camie vs. Mark (1980/GSN/200)

Quarterfinals. First game: Cassandra vs. Mark (1980/GSN/200)

Quarterfinals. First game: Bill vs. Ernie (1980/GSN/200)

Quarterfinals. First game: Darlene vs. Tom (1980/GSN/200)

Semifinals. First game: Bill vs. Rob (1980/GSN/200)

Finals. First game: Cassandra vs. Rob (1980/GSN/200)

Finals continued. First game: Cassandra vs. Rob. Champion is crowned! (1980/GSN/200)

First Game: Julian vs. Suzanne. '82 season premiere (1982/GSN/68)

First Game: Cathy facing the devil. In one game both a natural triple and 3 jokers come up (1982/GSN/2)

First Game: Cathy vs. Ralph (1982/GSN/36)

First Game: Anna vs. Terry (1982/GSN/36)

First Game: Terry vs. Linda (1982/GSN/34)

First Game: Ellie vs. Tom (1982/GSN/36)

First Game: Wanda vs. Mark (Who plays a song on his teeth!!!) (1982/GSN/36)

First Game: Jane vs. Tom. Somebody from the audience yells an answer out!!! (1982/GSN/36)

First Game: Ken vs. Chris. Big mess up with Fast Forward on final spin of a game. (1982/GSN/77)

First Game: Judi vs. Fran (1982/GSN/27)

First Game: Amy vs. Todd (1982/GSN/52)

First Game: Adrienne vs. Bob (1982/GSN/52)

First Game: Ed facing the devil (1982/GSN/52)

First game: Jim facing the devil (1982/GSN/148)

First game: Michael facing the devil (1982/GSN/148)

First game: Tom faving the devil (1982/GSN/150)

First game: Linda facing the devil (1982/GSN/150)

First game: Susan faving the devil (1982/GSN/150)

First game: Richard vs. Terry. Jack makes a pretty funny comment to a african american contestant (1982/GSN/150)

First game: Andy vs. Judi (1982/GSN/150)

First game: Judi vs. Dorothy (1982/GSN/150)

First game: Frank vs. Dan (1982/GSN/152)

First game: Drew vs. Debi. Three Joker's and Natural Triple Bonus win. Audience member wins bonus game. (1982/GSN/354)

First game: Harriett vs. Jim. Audience member breaks Jack's microphone! (1982/GSN/356)

First game: Jim vs. Christy (1982/GSN/356)

First game: Christy vs. Yvonne (1982/GSN/356)

First game: Art vs. Barry (1982/GSN/356)

First game: Maggie vs. Don. (1983/GSN/159)

First Game: David vs. Megin. Johnny Gilbert is announcing (1983/GSN/40)

First Game: Tom vs. Louise. Johnny announcing again. (1983/GSN/40)

First game: Tom vs. Rebecca. Weird tracking problem (1983/OB/156)

First Game: Rebecca vs. Jane. Fair quality (1983/OB/82)

First Game: Rebecca facing the devil.Car win. Fair quality (1983/OB/11)

Eps. with Joe Dunn:

Joe vs. Anne. GSN airs ticket plug (1983/GSN/61)

Joe facing the devil (1983/GSN/61)

Joe facing the Devil (different ep) (1983/GSN/61)

Joe vs. Tere. Joe wins 3rd car. (1983/GSN/61)

Big champ Joe Dunn retires after long speech about network rules by Jack. First Game: Natalia vs. Joseph (1983/GSN/14)

First Game: Pam vs. Jude. This ep is after the bottom 2 Jim Peck sub-hosting episodes. (1983/GSN/23)

First Game: Pam facing the devil.(1983/GSN/34)

First Game: Ruben vs. Don. Car win! (1983/GSN/72)

First Game: Debby facing the devil (1983/GSN/15)

First Game: Stephanie facing the devil (1983/GSN/15)

First game: Mark facing the devil (1983/GSN/152)

First game: Chuck facing the devil (1983/GSN/152)

First game: Yvonne vs. Michael (1983/GSN/152)

First Game: Victoria vs. Alice. Car win. One of Jack's last. They play the awful '72 theme in the opening and closing. OK quality (1984/OB/9)

The Joker's Wild, Host: Jim Peck (9 eps.)

First game: Jan vs. Myra (1982/GSN/184)

First Game: Neal vs. Barbara (1982/GSN/84)

First Game: Rod facing the devil (1982/GSN/84)

First Game: Kathleen facing the devil. Opening is intact however after that the signal cuts out for about 30 seconds, but nothing important is left out. (1983/GSN/47)

First Game: Taj facing the Devil (1983/GSN/80)

First Game: Suzanne vs. Sherri (1983/GSN/94)

First game: Suzanne vs. Karen (1983/GSN/159)

First Game: Suzanne vs. Gary. Car win! (1983/GSN/94)

First game: Joyce facing the Devil. (1986/GSN/115)

The Joker's Wild, Host: Bill Cullen (34 eps.)

His first ep. as host. First Game: Tami vs. Bill. Poor pic quality (1984/OB/4)

First Game: Howard vs. Mike (1984/OB/32)

First Game: Steve vs. Judy. 8th Season premiere. (1985/GSN/69)

First Game: Denise vs. Steve. (1985/GSN/62)

First Game: Steve facing the devil. (1985/GSN/62)

First Game: Stephanie vs. Steve (1985/GSN/62)

First Game: Stephanie facing the devil (1985/GSN/62)

First Game: Cyndi vs. Jan (1985/GSN/62)

First Game: Kokj vs. Cyndi (1985/GSN/62)

First Game: Bruce vs. Cyndi (1985/GSN/62)

First Game: Randy vs. Bruce (1985/GSN/62)

Firs tgame: Stephen vs. J.P. Natural triple jackpot win! (1985/GSN/158)

First game: Wendy vs. Stephen (1985/GSN/150)

First game: Kimberly facing the devil (1985/GSN/150)

First game: Kimberly facing the devil. Car win! (1985/GSN/101)

First game: Kimberly vs. Linda (1985/GSN/150)

First game: Paul vs. Kimberly (1985/GSN/101)

First game: Deborah vs. Lawrence (1985/GSN/150)

First game: Deborah vs. Norman (1985/GSN/150)

First game: Debra vs. Deborah. Car win! (1985/GSN/101)

First game: Steven vs. Jon (1985/GSN/150)

First game: Steven facing the devil. (1985/GSN/101)

First game: Steven facing the devil (different ep.) Blake Emmons, former host of Chain Reaction is a contestant! (1985/GSN/101)

First game: Lance facing the devil. Natural triple jackpot win! Tracking problems (1985/GSN/101)

First game: Lauren facing the Devil (1985/GSN/115)

First Game: Mike vs. Pete. Has lines in the picture. (1985/OB/93)

First game: Jane vs. Charlie (1985/GSN/111)

First game: Barbara facing the devil (1985/GSN/116)

First game: Ellen vs. Mike (1985/GSN/116)

First game: Sherlie vs. Mike (1985/GSN/128)

First game: Jonaire vs. Bruce. Natural triple jackpot win! (1985/GSN/159)

First game: Katie vs. Dave. 3 Joker's win and a natural triple jackpot win! (1985/GSN/235)

His last ep. and last ep of TJW. First Game: Sheryl facing the Devil. I now have a good quality copy!!! (1986/OB/7)


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